In a time when we are lacking human connection and contact how can social media step in to close that distance?
How can you bring the value of face to face interaction to social? And…
How can you show your customers and clients that there is a person behind every post?
Often, we think we need to follow strict guidelines for what to post to individual social media channels, and we should to a certain extent; but sometimes you need to take a step back and make sure you are developing connections, not just pushing out your companies messaging.
Each social platform does have its own unique style so I am not saying start posting your newborn nephew all over LinkedIn, you want to leave that for Facebook, but how can you be human in those spaces and show others that you are someone they want to work with. Here are some ways to connect with your audience on a more personal level:
Go Live on Instagram or Facebook:
Going live is a great way to connect with your audience and let them see you and hear your voice! If you are doing this consistently, candidates and clients will start to feel like they are building a relationship with you, which will in turn build trust.
During the past few months, we have been seeing a lot of people going live to share their insights or skills with the world. For example, musicians have been going live to play concerts for their fans or teachers have been going live to read books to their students at home.
What would this look like for the staffing industry?
- Go live and talk about the interview process for candidates, what can they expect, what types of interview questions should they be practicing?
- Every Monday go live and talk about new jobs you will be now hiring for and why they are great opportunities! Showcase your jobs in the best light possible.
- Or maybe you are an expert in the staffing industry and would like to share your insights and help your clients work through similar struggles.
Post Videos:
I often hear people saying they get nervous to take videos of themselves and don’t like to hear their voices. The great thing about video is that if you don’t like the first take you can try again!
Similar to the idea of going live, videos are another great way to let candidates and clients get to know you and understand your business and organization.
Here are some ideas for video content:
- Introduction Videos: Have all of your recruiters or employees take short one-minute videos introducing themselves. Candidates may be more likely to reach out if they know who they will be talking to and working with.
- Interview Questions: Post an interview question once every week for candidates to practice and if they need interview help, offer your email to those who want to reach out for additional tips
Post Pictures:
Let others see what you have going on in the office! Are you doing something special for your employees or just having fun? You will want to showcase that to let others see how great your team dynamic is. Some ideas could be:
- Team Happy Hour
- Employees taking part in a company fitness challenge
- How employees like to spend their weekend
- Celebrate birthdays or anniversaries
Looking to add a personal touch to your marketing?
Haley Marketing is here to help you shine the best light on your staffing or recruiting firm. Looking to gain more insight into how your team can add more personal content to your marketing? Get in touch, we would be happy to chat!