Is it time for a new website?
Take this 20 question quiz to find out.
- At first glance, does your website send a strong, positive message about your firm?
- Within 30 seconds, can a visitor understand what you do?
- Does your copy have clear headlines and subheadlines that make your content easy to skim?
- Does the content of your site clearly differentiate you from your competition?
- Do the pictures on support your positioning and the central message on each page?
- Do you clear access paths for employers, job seekers, current clients and current candidates?
- Are the most important features accessible from your Home page with one click?
- Do you update jobs on your website at least once per day?
- Do you automatically feed jobs to Indeed, Simply Hired, Facebook and Twitter?
- Do you have a blog?
- Do you add new content to your site (or blog) at least once per week?
- Do you automatically feed your new content to Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn?
- Do you offer useful information for both employers and job seekers?
- Can you update the content on your website yourself?
- Is your website optimized for search engines?
- Have you created specific pages around your most critical keywords?
- Do you have Google Analytics installed?
- Do you have landing pages specifically optimized to capture sales leads?
- Do the features of your site work properly on mobile devices? Or at least degrade smoothly?
- If you took your name off the site, would it look or sound just like your competitor’s sites?
Give yourself 1 point for every “YES” answer on questions 1 to 19. Subtract 5 points if you answered “YES” to question 20.
If you scored 18 or higher, congratulations, you have a great staffing website!
If you scored 15 to 17, your site is not bad, but there are definitely opportunities for improvement.
If you scored below 15, or answered “Yes” to question 20, why are you tolerating a website that doesn’t give you a competitive advantage?
Download Haley Marketing’s
Guide to Creating a Killer Staffing Website