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Re-Recruiting and Social Recruiting

Standing Out on Facebook to Recruit Standout Construction Workers: Re-Recruiting and Social Recruiting in Action

Our team designed and executed a Facebook Re-Recruiting and Social Recruiting campaign to capture job seekers’ attention online – and get them to apply right on Facebook.

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Case Study at a Glance

The Challenge:

Help our construction staffing client find more talent to fill open jobs.

The Solution:

Our team designed and executed a Facebook Re-Recruiting and Social Recruiting campaign to capture job seekers’ attention online – and get them to apply right on Facebook.

The Results:

On average, this campaign delivers more than 110 candidate leads per month!

Based in Charlotte, NC, CCS Construction Staffing is a premier agency providing reliable, qualified manpower to the construction trades throughout the Southeast and Texas since 2008. Their Director of Recruiting, Rich Hughes, was struggling to recruit sheet metal workers, electricians, plumbers and other skilled tradesmen for active job orders.

Jobs were going unfilled, and Rich needed to find new tools to capture job seekers’ attention online and ultimately generate more candidate leads.

The Solution

Our PPC and social marketing experts consulted with Rich to learn more about his challenges and goals. Based on his needs, we recommended an online marketing campaign with two distinct elements:

  • Re-Recruiting, which targets previous website visitors and applicants in a staffing firm’s ATS database – and then serves ads to them everywhere they go online.
  • Social Recruiting, which uses demographic targeting, based on geography and job titles, to display ads to potential candidates while they’re on Facebook.

We designed their ads to capture attention – and leads:

  • The campaign features images relevant to the types of jobs CCS fills so ads stand out to the right kind of job seeker.
  • The call to action allows interested candidates to apply for a job right on Facebook.
  • We also employed a lead-generation technique, allowing CCS to quickly capture a candidate’s name, email and phone number. Their recruiters followed up individually with candidates shortly thereafter.

The Results

This two-pronged campaign has been extremely effective in helping CCS recruit more qualified job seekers.

  • Re-Recruiting yielded an average of 50 leads per month at $4.99/lead.
  • Social Recruiting delivered an average of 62 candidate leads per month at $4.27/lead.

According to Matt Telmanik, CCS Construction Staffing’s President:
“Haley Marketing’s program has helped us not only increase the number of candidates delivered via Facebook, but also improved the quality of these candidates. Haley Marketing has really made our Facebook recruiting campaign much easier, as well as productive.”

Struggling to Recruit Qualified Candidates?

Re-Recruiting and Social Recruiting are powerful tools you can use to stand out, stay top-of-mind, and generate more qualified job-seeker leads every month.

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